Want to invite your friends or family to Trinity Church this summer but don't know where to start? We can help!

We have so many exciting events for all ages and life stages this summer that you won’t want to miss!


Did you know, over 45% of people attended Easter at Trinity Church this year because someone invited them!

So who are you inviting to church this summer?

Below are some different conversation starters, sample text messages, and things to think about as you invite your friends to each of these events this summer. AND you can even download the images below to invite friends and family and share on your social media! Make sure to tag @trinitychrch on Instagram and Facebook!


Sample Text Message

Hey! What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to take the kids to Swimsuit Summer at our church. It’s basically like a free waterpark and a great place to get to know other people with kids the same age and we’d love if you and the family came with us!

Conversation Starters

1) What do your kids do during the summer when they’re out of school?

2) Do you want to come with me to a free event where our kids can play and we can hang out?

Why invite people?

1) Phoenix is HOT in the summer and kids need a free, safe, fun place to play and cool off!

2) They can meet some new friends with kids around the same age.

3) While the kids have fun, parents can enjoy worship, teaching, and meeting others in a casual, cool space.


Sample Text Message

Hey! ______ and I are going to this free date night at our church. It’s all about relationships with people and it’s low-key, fun, and relaxing. There will be incredible teaching on relationships, then we can go grab dinner after! It starts at 6:15 on Wednesday. Would you come with us?

Conversation Starters

1) When’s the last time you had a date night?

2) If someone watched your kids and gave you guys a free date night, would you go?

Why invite people?

1) It’s a super casual way to get someone to church who may not come to a normal weekend service.

2) Fantastic teaching and fun meeting other couples.

3) FREE date night while we watch your kids…need we say more?


Sample Text Message

Hey! I wanted to invite you and your family to a fun event at my church this weekend. They have waterslides every weekend in the summer but this weekend is Christmas in July so they’re also bringing in 50,000 lbs of snow for sledding! Our kids absolutely love it and I know your kids would too. Would you go with us?

Conversation Starters

1) Do you and your family want to come to a free event where your kids can have fun and stay cool?

2) Have your kids ever gone sledding in their swimsuits?

Why invite people?

1) Phoenix is HOT in the summer and kids need a free, safe, fun place to play and cool off! (With a Christmas theme! Because we love Christmas so much, we celebrate it twice a year!)

2) They can meet some other friends who have kids around the same age.

3) It’s a super casual way to get someone to church who may not come to a normal weekend service.

4) Where else can you find snow in Phoenix in the summer?


Sample Text Message

Hey! Would you want to come with me to a free event for women at my church? There will be food and fun, and it’ll be a great way to meet other awesome ladies. I’d love it if you joined me!

Conversation Starters

1) Soul Pampering: Remember how we’ve been talking about doing a painting class but they’re so expensive? I heard about this free event at my church where you can do art and it’s FREE!

2) Real Women of the Bible: Do you ever wonder how women in the Bible can relate to us now? There’s a cool event I’d love you to come to.

3) Rooted Gathering: Are you in need of a girls’ night?

Why invite people?

1) They are three super fun, casual events to get a friend to come to church who may not normally come.

2) FREE opportunities to spend time with new and old friends.

3) Your kids will be having a BLAST in the Backyard while you have fun with friends…and you don’t even have to pay a babysitter!

4) This is a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus this summer.

Sample Text Message

Hey! Would ____ want to go with my son/daughter _____ to Trinity Students this weekend? It’s a fun place on Saturdays for them to make friends, play games, worship, and hear teaching based on the sermon.

Conversation Starters

1) Do your kids have a hard time making friends with kids who are a good influence on them?

2) Do you want a free, safe place for your kids to hang out with other kids their age?

Why invite people?

1) Free, safe opportunities for your kids to meet others their age.

2) They’ll have fun and learn about Jesus!